Summit Business Coaching

Enhancing Business Performance

One-to-One Coaching

Our One-to-One interactions with executives, managers’ and business owners are designed to develop a “coaching culture,” and a “coaching style of management” to enhance individual, interpersonal and leadership skills and business performance.

What's New

We have rolled out our new coaching module:

Leading & Managing through Change – A Personal & Organisational Perspective

Training Programmes

The training programmes that we provide are designed to build individual and team performance in key areas. They are delivered using our unique 3i comprising an integrative, iterative and innovative approach with proactive involvement by course participants.

Roy Barry

M.A. Applied Psychology-Coaching Psychology, MMII (Grad), C.Dip.A.F.

Roy Barry is CEO of Summit Business Coaching. Roy has over 30 years of experience of working with business owners, executives, and corporates across a spectrum of business types from SME’s to larger corporates including the hotel sector, manufacturing industry, wholesale and retail businesses, marine and equity investments in his capacity as a Regional Director. Previously Roy held executive positions with ICC Bank plc, Bank of Scotland plc, HBOS plc and Lloyds Banking Group plc. He has extensive experience of managing people having had direct leadership, development and supportive responsibilities for teams of up to 150 colleagues.

Roy’s experience and background has led him to specialise in the assessment of personality characteristics and behaviours that recognise individual strengths and development needs to improve performance and leadership capabilities. His understanding of how to modify an individual’s role and behaviour within a larger environment has allowed him to provide guidance to executives and others in terms of how to optimise their performance within the team and the larger organisation.

Our Approach

Coaching is defined as partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximise their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment.

At Summit Business Coaching, we specialise in the Design and Delivery of bespoke coaching and training programmes for executives, senior managers and business owners. Our strength lies in supporting the individuals through the Implementation and Development process.

Our Clients

At Summit Business Coaching, we have worked across the business spectrum with long-established clients, in areas such as:









Contact Us

Ask a question or book an appointment below.

+353 086 260 60 45

Douglas, Cork, Ireland