Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills

The objective of this module is to make the participants more effective presenters. There are four cornerstones that are key to giving successful presentations, these are Plan, Prepare, Practise, and Present, (4P method). Before starting out you as the presenter need to ask yourself:

  • Who is my Audience?
  • What do I want them to hear?
  • What do I want them to remember?

Therefore successful presentation results in your audience understanding and remembering what you said.

So initially you need to hook your audience, you need to make an impact and grab their attention. Then as you progress through your presentation you need to build rapport. Participants in this programme will adopt the 4P method to make an impact, create memorability, manage stress and tension, and learn to use effective body language and voice control.

For further information contact us at Summit Business Coaching today.

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