Building Resilience

Building Resilience

In business today with ever-increasing connectivity individuals are becoming more and more pressurised. Stress can build up from being exposed to continuous demands over time, to having to respond faster with fewer resources and often times in an ever-repeating cycle.

Oftentimes individuals have too many projects running simultaneously, too many meetings, being prisoners of mobiles and emails, delegating poorly and becoming involved in every aspect of the business.

Individuals need to recognise their own patterns in reacting to pressure and how to react in a managed and proactive manner. Resilience is about creating awareness, understanding the triggers within your environment and is, therefore, the capacity to acknowledge your own thoughts, behaviours and actions when you are under pressure and under stress.

The course outlined here looks at key areas such as the psychology of behaviour, our thinking processes, how we react to ever constant change, mindset and motivation. It contains practical solutions and remedies in relation to personal time management, how to push back with the emphasis on putting time into what you can influence and change and not what you can’t.

For further information contact us at Summit Business Coaching today.

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+353 086 260 60 45

Douglas, Cork, Ireland